Wander the wonder in Walt Disney World

        The most well known place on the planet is none other that Walt Disney World. It inspires, informs and entertains anyone from far and wide, the attractions, theatrics, food, shopping, innovation and more. Disney World encourages success, reflects creative minds and show cases technology and what our future can become. The idea for such a happy place came from the creative genius Walter Elias Disney and consists of four theme parks, two water parks (seasonal), shopping mall, and over 25 hotels and resorts.

Theme parks
Related image      Animal Kingdom is a park revolving around nature, animals of course and Disney movies like Avatar and Jurassic Park. The large design of the park is memorizing with colors and Disney characters walking around left and right. I would suggest leaving earlier in the morning around 7:30 to get on the best rides in the park, especially the Avatar themed area. It also closes at 5:00 pm, much earlier than the other three parks because of the multiple animals inside who have certain schedules. Animal lovers will love and enjoy this park.

Image result for hollywood studios      Hollywood studios is one of the cooler parks in Walt Disney World. With the brand new Star Wars "Galaxy's Edge" addition Hollywood studios is an overwhelming amount of fun to visit. Not to forget about its other hot attractions like "Toy Story Land" and a replica of Hollywood's Chang's Chinese Theater. In contrast to Animal Kingdom, this park is open much later and always has fireworks at the end of the night between 9-11 pm depending on the day. For movie fans Hollywood Studios is the place to see.

Image result for epcot     Epcot is a very unique park that is a projection of our planet now and in the future. The major attraction of the park is the "World Showcase". The most well known and visited countries such as America, Canada, The UK, Germany, Mexico, Japan, Morocco, Norway, China, Italy and France surround a large man made pond where fireworks are set off. Each country showcases its food, clothing and traditions. On the other hand Epcot also showcases future technology and all different types of living. The most creative ideas to help with everyday life are produced right in Epcot itself. This is a kind of park that anyone could visit and be inspired or entertained.

Image result for magic kingdom       The best park of them all and the face of Disney World is Magic Kingdom. This park speaks to its magic name with a full days worth of things to visit and do. Only one specific part can be taken from Magic Kingdom which is the enormous castle in the middle of the park. Magic Kingdom has everything to offer from Pirates of the Caribbean , The Seven Dwarfs and everything Disney in between. When you enter the park shops and shops of great Disney merchandise line side by side for about two blocks. Theres no place that gives off happy feelings like Magic Kingdom. If I could only visit one park again it would be Magic Kingdom.

Image result for disney springs
       Everyone loves to shop and have fun, Walt Disney World really gave the best of both. Disney springs could be a trip in itself. The shopping part is designed with palm trees, sky blue water, and marble store structuring to set the high class mood. Every brand you could want is fit into a special area while fun and food is also available. I personally recommend eating Blaze pizza for not only the best pizza but the most unique. Also visit the lego store where anyone can make their own lego cars and race or even see the amazing Lego sculptures built every year.



  1. I liked the comparisions that you mentioned between the parks. Each parked was described with great detail of the theme and narrowed down the places that i would like to see most. I found the advice you gave about the hours in Animal Kingdom was very useful. I would highly recommend you check over your grammer and word choice in the opening and second paragraph.

  2. I liked how you gave a lot of information about the theme parks and how you described them. You could maybe add some more tips like restaurants you could go to in the park.

  3. Pretty well designed blog! I like the breakdowns using the sub headings, that way, if you weren't really all that interested in one topic, you could hop over to the next. I also like how you described the parks, and compared them. One thing that I would personally like to see, is the inclusion of some of the history of the parks, which again is just a personal thing. One thing you could work on, is maybe spice things up a little in the word choice category. Really try and sell the place to the readers.


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